Building Energy: OptiSeis Solutions is Changing Seismic Exploration Landscape

About Building Energy

This is your oil, gas, and renewable energy industry and technology web series and podcast! You will hear from executives from the oil and gas pipelines across Canada and the United States, engineers developing renewable energy projects, and experts in innovative technology entering the energy market. We interview advocates of the oil industry, experts in efficiency technology, and leaders who can outline the economic and environmental impact of major energy projects and energy solutions.

“Eleven years on, OptiSeis’ suite of services continues to expand as we push geophysical boundaries in local markets and abroad."

Andrea Crook

OptiSeis Solutions Ltd. was founded in 2011 in response to a rapidly changing seismic exploration landscape. Field equipment was getting smaller, data was getting bigger, processing was getting faster, and advanced reservoir characterization was quickly becoming a competitive advantage. OptiSeis answered with high-quality, integrated customer service that provided trusted, data-driven designs for high-resolution seismic images. Clients embraced the OptiSeis advantage, due to the care and attention their programs received, especially around increasing infrastructure constraints. Clients continue to return to OptiSeis for the target focused results, and cost-effective technology driven answers they trust.