Geoconvention May 15 – 17, 2023

OptiSeis™ attended and presented at the annual Geoconvention May 15-17, 2023. Thank-you all who attended our talks and stop by the booth. We had an excellent time at the GeoConvention Partnership 2023 and we are looking forward to seeing you all next year! Our team talked about Seismic Design, Environmental footprint, Fresnel Fold and more. […]
Geoconvention June 20-22, 2022

OptiSeis™ attended the annual Geoconvention June 20-22, 2022. Awarded Honourable Mention Turn Your Seismic Program into a Lean, Green, Resolution Machine – Peter Vermeulen, Andrea Crook, Mostafa Naghizadeh, and Stephanie Ross We would like to extend a special thank you to the speakers, exhibit hosts, sponsors, attendees, and event staff of the 2022 GeoConvention in […]
Turn your seismic program into a lean, green, resolution machine
By Peter Vermeulen, Mostafa Naghizadeh, Andrea Crook, P.Geoph., and Stephanie Ross Summary Diligent seismic acquisition planning always involves careful modelling of field parameters that maximize subsurface resolution and minimize program costs. Traditionally, finding the balance between these two outcomes has been challenging but progressively achievable with skilled field management/crews, simultaneous source techniques (Crook et. al., […]
Fresnel zone binning analysis for determining optimal seismic infill stations
By Mostafa Naghizadeh, Andrea Crook, P.Geoph., and Shane Bossaer Summary The horizontal resolution of seismic surveys is determined by the Fresnel zone analysis (Sheriff, 1980). The concept of the Fresnel zone can also be utilized at the design stage of the seismic surveys for optimal positioning of shots and receivers based on the importance of […]
Miniaturized Source for Reduced Environmental Impact
by Andrea Crook, Shane Bossaer, Cameron Crook, Alyson Birce, Stephanie Ross – OptiSeis™ Solutions Ltd. Sean Contenti – Imperial Megan Boutin, Frank Sun, and Kennedy Nwafor – Suncor Energy Inc. Summary In order to reduce the environmental impact of acquiring seismic surveys in the Canadian boreal forest, a reduction in line clearing is required. This […]
What size should my seismic survey be? An examination of Surface vs. Subsurface area
By Andrea Crook, P.Geoph. Summary When planning a seismic survey, the total cost of the survey is dependent on the surface area. However, the optimal surface area may be significantly larger than the subsurface imaging area. This is due to the need for a survey taper which must be added to the subsurface area in […]
Geoconvention 2019: Best Paper Award

Celebrating the best of GeoConvention 2019 At the Sixth Annual Best of GeoConvention at ConocoPhillips Theater, Calgary, Alberta, December 11, 2019, Andrea Crook was presented with the “Best Paper” Award. The Award was presented for the talk given on Transitioning to High Density Vibroseis – a Case Study. View All Winners View Case Study
Transitioning to High Density Vibroseis Seismic Acquisition: A Case Study

Andrea Crook OptiSeis™ Solutions Ltd. Rob McGrory, Nathan Baker, & Adam Westlake, Crescent Point Energy Summary In general, seismic acquisition in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) has been conducted using primarily explosive sources, whereas vibroseis acquisition has been limited to areas with relatively flat topography. With the recent advances in seismic acquisition and processing […]
Simultaneous Source vs. Regular Vibroseis Acquisition – A Direct Comparison
By Andrea Crook, P.Geoph. Summary Simultaneous source acquisition has proven to be effective at increasing trace density without incurring significant increases in seismic acquisition cost. As a result, most simultaneous source datasets have significantly higher trace density than previous datasets requiring decimation of the simultaneous source dataset or interpolation of the regular dataset to effectively […]
Optimal Restriction Modeling: A New Approach to Station Positioning
By Keith Millis, Cameron Crook Summary Surface restrictions to seismic acquisition increasingly limit the ability to place stations at their theoretical locations. Consequently, the acquisition design process is faced with increased pressure to model programs with surface perturbations in mind (Cooper, 2004). An optimal restriction modeling method requires reshaping the surface design process to one […]